The RBFX prosthetics catalog will be turned off until further notice.
Extra Tin Base Catalyst 16oz: Blue or Green
Extra Tin Base Catalyst 32oz: Blue or Green
Extra Tin Base Catalyst 64oz: Blue or Green
Extra Tin Base Catalyst 8oz: Blue or Green
MPFX 50 FLUID Silicone Fluid 5 Gallon
MPFX 50 FLUID Silicone Fluid Gallon
MPFX 50 FLUID Silicone Fluid Quart
9 colors available
MPFX Silicone Pigment 1KG
MPFX Silicone Pigment 1oz
MPFX Silicone Pigment 1oz Set ( 9 Colors)
MPFX Silicone Pigment 2oz
MPFX Silicone Pigment 2oz Set ( 9 Colors )
MPFX Thixo 16oz
MPFX Thixo 4oz
MPFX Thixo 8oz
MPFX Thixo Gallon
ShinEtsu big tube
UFC 16oz (Ultra Fast Catalyst) (U.F.C)
UFC 32oz (Ultra Fast Catalyst)(U.F.C)
UFC 8oz (Ultra Fast Catalyst)(U.F.C)
UFC Gallon (Ultra Fast Catalyst)(U.F.C)